Target Practice Vanya Erickson

Target Practice on Evening Street Review

Target Practice

Published on Evening Street Review

I grew up bouncing between our home in the San Francisco Bay Area and our ranch in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Ever since, I have loved the contrast of these places – the energy of the city with its theater, music and art and the silence and beauty of the mountains.

My mother always said we were very lucky children to have these experiences, and she took tons of photographs to prove it. But those photographs never hinted at the darker side, the one that lay below that thin veneer of perfection.

Fifty years later, my truth is like a mountain stream flowing over granite to meet up with another, the volume of stories flowing together, each with a life of its own, completing truer picture of my childhood. Today as I work on the last two chapters of my memoir, I’m very excited to share the news that I am holding in my hands the contributor’s copy of Evening Street Review vol. 15 – and inside is my essay, Target Practice, which took place on one unforgettable afternoon at the ranch more than fifty years ago.

You may order copies of the Autumn Review (Volume 15) or Subscribe to the Review on the website.

The essay is also available on Amazon:

Target Practice – Evening Street Review vol. 15 

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