What’s Happening in December

Dearest posse! Thank you all for your support in bringing Boot Language out into the world. From the launch party…

What’s Happening in October

Hi posse! I love synchronicity, or as Carl Yung called it “meaningful coincidences.”   A few days ago, I read an…

What’s Happening in September

Hi posse! What a great launch party! I’ll never forget standing at the edge of the balcony listening to the…

What’s Happening in August

Hi posse! Just two weeks until launch! I hope you can join me in lovely Santa Cruz on August 24th…

What’s Happening in July

Hi posse! Last week I filmed the book trailer for Boot Language.  A book trailer is like a movie trailer,…

What’s Happening in June

Greetings! I promise not to swamp you with newsletters, just an occasional update. Thank you for being part of my…