What’s Happening in October

Hi posse!

I love synchronicity, or as Carl Yung called it “meaningful coincidences.”   A few days ago, I read an article by a well-known writing guru that warned authors about the “questionable” trend of including book club questions in the back of their books. She went on to say she never included them in hers, and if we did, not to have high expectations.  I read on to the end, like a good student, certain she was probably right.  She was, after all, the expert. But it made me feel like crap.

I thought about my questions in the back of Boot Language.  The ones I’d spent weeks composing because I thought they’d be helpful to readers. Was I crazy? Did I really think book clubs would ever choose my book?

Not an hour later, while bagging just-picked apples from the organic bin at my neighborhood grocery store I bumped into a lovely poetry fan who had been at my book launch. Eyes wide that I was suddenly there standing next to her, she told me she’d been just about to email me to say a friend of hers in Massachusetts had ordered a whole bunch of copies of Boot Language for her book club.  I laughed and nearly dropped my bag of Fujis. That’s synchronicity for you!

Help!  Could you take a moment to leave a review of Boot Language on Amazon and/or Goodreads?  It would help me a lot!  It doesn’t need any big deal or even more than a couple sentences – but it would really make a difference. Thanks!

Go here for Boot Language on Amazon

Go here for Boot Language on Goodreads

To the right: Boot Language has a ‘staff pick’ review at Bookshop Santa Cruz!

The review reads:

“Erickson’s real gift is her utter honesty and clarity about pain and evil in this world, and each of their intersections with love.

-Sheila Coonerty, Ph.D. psychologist

What’s on my bedside table

I’m doing research for my novel set during WWI, and this month’s choice is a book I’m rereading while gathering details about the devastating conditions that resulted in the loss of millions of horses in the war.

With outstanding character development and stunning descriptions, War Horse sucks you into another time – another reality, and it’s hard to return to the now.  It follows one boy’s beloved horse who goes to war, and somehow manages to move from horrific to inspiring, while underscoring the sheer madness of war.  That’s my kind of book!

War Horse – Michael Morpurgo


Boot Language Update:

Boot Language was included in The Best Inspirational Books to Jumpstart Your Fall!

I was super thrilled to have my story thought of as more than just a tear-jerker.

And a copy of Boot Language is at this very moment in Frankfurt, Germany, attending the Frankfurt “Best in Indie Publishing” show! My publisher attended and took pics.  See Boot Language on the top shelf to the right?  Bootsprache, anyone?

Plans are in the works for two book talks/signing events: One in L.A. in the late Fall, and one in Portland in February. (Looks like KBOO, Portland’s NPR station wants to interview me during that trip!) Details to come.


  1. Pamela S. Wight on October 22, 2018 at 2:01 pm

    I teach creative writing classes and just did a lesson on “coincidences” and synchronicity. Then, this morning, my wonderful friend (the one you bumped into at the grocery store) sent me your post here. Einstein said that “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Deepak Chopra thinks “When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities.” Here’s to infinite possibilities!

  2. Margery Eriksson on November 3, 2020 at 5:00 am

    I somehow missed this October post. Very cool!

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